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When you grow up on the far south coast of NSW in the bush, on a hill, surrounded by cows and oysters, there is not a great deal to do except sing, write songs and dream of one day working for a regional arts organisation (actually, the dream was more about being famous and wealthy, but one has to be realistic). 

Jazz Williams has worked across a number of creative industries during her 20-year career in the Arts, with extensive experience as a radio producer, music teacher, song writer, recording engineer, media advisor and arts and cultural facilitator.  

She has held her current position as Cultural Programs Officer with South East Arts NSW since 2013 and works extensively with First Nations artists and cultural leaders across the region. Jazz managed the award-winning 2018 inaugural Giiyong Festival, held near Eden NSW.

Often feeling like an artless bastard herself, Jazz will continue to pack lunches for her precocious son and steal pockets of time in her studio to stay sane between podcast episodes.



I have worked for decades in the arts and cultural sector. Initially it was in education and public programs for the National Film and Sound Archive, Old Parliament House and the Australian War Memorial. Since 2008 I have been the Executive Director of South East Arts, which is far too long in the one job to be honest, but how can you beat working in the arts and living in a beautiful regional location. I always try to squeeze in creative pursuits where time allows and have worked as a puppeteer, theatre director, performer and musician. I'm regularly banging the big drums with Stonewave Taiko or tinkling the ivories with The Novellas, as well as bunging on a bad Bostonian drawl for an outing with Jonathan Richman Experience. Working with Jazz on Artless Bastards has helped me realise that 'just talking a lot' should be my new career aspiration.


Monica Davidson is the founder and lead business advisor of Creative Plus Business and will be a regular guest on Artless Bastards. She is all about blending creative practice and business skills in a fun, practical and holistic way.  


We are RADO! That is a Regional Arts Development Organisation – one of 14 such organisations in a NSW network that exists to support regionally-based artists, arts workers and organisations. We work across the cultural sector, including visual arts, theatre, music, dance, literature, screen and heritage. Our region, covering the councils of Eurobodalla, Bega Valley and Snowy Monaro, is jam-packed with creative practitioners, festivals, museums, galleries and more.

Check out more information and explore the exciting range of projects and initiatives this dynamic little organisation pumps out at www.southeastarts.org.au