Patrick Dickson has been acting professionally since 1976, starting in the UK at the Theatre Royal in Stratford, East London and the Roundabout Theatre in Education Company in Nottingham. Since emigrating to Australia in the late 70’s, Patrick has appeared on TV shows such as The Timeless Land, Carson's Law, Home and Away, Rake and Seachange, in films including: A Bridge Too Far, The Fluteman, Flotsam Jetsam and Rogue Nation. Patrick performed in theatre productions too numerous to mention for companies such as Thalia, Bell, Griffin, Ensemble, Studio and most State theatre companies. Patrick is the co-artisitic director and founding member of O'Punksky's – an independent theatre company based in Sydney.
More recently Patrick has self-produced two audio books The Toilers of the Sea by Victor Hugo and Kabaka Lear by David Allen. In the last couple of years Patrick has turned The Toilers of the Sea into a one man theatre show called The Brainstorm which combines the story with insights into Victor Hugo’s life of self-exile on the island of Guernsey – the same place where Patrick himself was born and raised.
Lee Pemberton has a career in dance, choreography and movement practices spanning nearly four decades. A graduate of the Melbourne University's V.C.A. school of dance, (1987 and 1998), Lee is based regionally in the Bega Valley where she lives with her partner and two dogs.
From 1990 Lee Pemberton worked as an independent contemporary dancer in Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra returning to Post Graduate study in 1998. In the early 2000s, she worked for Legs on the Wall and De Quincey Co. Sydney, gaining knowledge of physical theatre and alternative movement practices.
Lee founded fLiNG Physical Theatre in the Bega Valley in 2001. fLiNG created a culture and audience for dance and physical theatre in the remote far south coast of N.S.W. Lee developed the company from part-time to full-time and secured triennial funding for 2016 onwards when she implemented a succession plan and left a legacy of programs with the company.
Lee was a recipient of 2016 Create N.S.W. Regional Arts Fellowship which ignited her current practice involving site-specific immersive dance work where past and future meet. In a series of events called Incomplete Ever Unfolding, she has presented performances in settings for small and intimate audience experience.
Lee is also developing a local network for creative performers called Bedrock Creators and has recently formed an innovative partnership with Delia Silva. Lee and Delia have created a duet, called Another Extinction. This show is so far unseen, produced during the tragic fires of 2020 and the premier season cancelled due to the Coronavirus lockdown.
Having worked from the bush since 1999, Lee has in-depth experience in creating and producing performance events from a rural perspective. She is deeply encouraged and inspired by the immense growth of Regional Arts Practice in N.S.W. in recent years. Lee has worked intimately with South East Arts, Four Winds Festival, Bega Valley Regional Gallery and local festivals. In her role as a regional producer Lee has also been seconded by, Outback Theatre for Young People, Australia Theatre for Young People, Western Sydney Dance Action (now FORM), Quantum Leap (now QL2), Circus Monoxide, Critical Path, NORPA, Ausdance and Merrigong Theatre Co.
Other career hi-lights include; hosting Body Weather residential workshops with Tess de Quincey in Tathra from 1999 to 2005. As Assistant Choreographer for Legs on the Wall production for the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne 2006. Her solo performance, 'Critical Condition' for METIS Canberra in 2005 with Jude Walker and Wendy Morrow. Performer/choreographer 'Yards & Yards' 2001 and 'Red Line' 2002 at The Australian Choreographic Centre Canberra. Critical Path residency 50/50 with Colleen Meessmann 2007 and in 'Horizon of Meaning' in 2009 with Don Asker, Paul Hopper and Jane Mortis. As Artistic Director with fLiNG Physical Theatre, travelling to Singapore in 2012, to be presented at The Singapore Youth Festival.